
Crochet has taken a back seat during this warmer weather… It’s too hot to have a blanket draped over my knees. Plus I’m disappointed as one of the yarns I’ve used previously has steered to break within the blanket and I don’t know how to fix it, so I’m not really motivated to add rows to a blanket that might fall apart 😞

But today brought another opportunity to draw with my niece via Skype as she added a stonechat illustration to her nature diary. We found a picture to copy and got drawing.

I found it a tricky shape to draw, but my niece’s advice that it might look more like a stonechat if I coloured it on did seem to help, even though I didn’t have the right colour for its russet breast!

3 thoughts on “Stonechat”

  1. I like your stonechat! I haven;t seen many this year, so it’s nice to see one you’ve drawn. I’m sad about the yarn breaking in the blanket. Let’s hope one of your crafty friends can come up with an idea!


  2. I think it is lovely that you have this shared drawing time 😍
    That is disappointing regarding your blanket. Does it look like other parts of the row could disintegrate? I’m sure it is repairable either way. I’m thinking that the whole row could be removed if you are very careful to secure the stitches in the row above in some way. Then the row below and the one above could be joined with the method sometimes used to link granny squares together. I can see it in my minds eye but not sure I’m explaining myself well!


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